
Observing Autism Acceptance Heritage Month




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In our continuing effort to recognize 和 celebrate the remarkable diversity that makes the MG线上电子游戏 community the thriving research 和 learning community that it is, this April we celebrate Autism Acceptance Month.

根据美国自闭症协会的说法, the prevalence of Autism in children has risen from 1 in 125 in 2010 to nearly 1 in 59 over the past decade. 自闭症倡导者希望, as awareness 和 acceptance of Autism increases within the larger population, the stigma of diagnosis 和 the social barriers that hinder people from living full 和 meaningful lives will dissipate.

In his 2007 New York Times best-selling book Look me in the Eye, John Elder Robison writes eloquently “Asperger’s is not a disease. 这是一种存在方式. 有 no cure, nor is there a need for one. 有, 然而, a need for knowledge 和 adaptation on the part of Apsergian kids, 还有他们的家人和朋友.十年后, 作为教育者,我们认识到这一点, 就像朋友和家人一样, we too must make systemic changes that will allow people with neuro-diverse identities to succeed in our research 和 learning spaces. 在MG线上电子游戏, the nationally recognized Learning Effectiveness Program (LEP) provides 学生 on the Autism spectrum with necessary support 和 advocacy. We are proud to say that the LEP will be celebrating its 40th year of service in 2022.

While formal diagnosis of those with Autism came decades later, some of our most noteworthy thinkers in history, including the likes of Albert Einstein 和 Emily Dickinson, are thought to have been on the Autism Spectrum. 奥斯卡奖得主男演员, 安东尼·霍普金斯爵士, 精灵宝可梦的创造者, Satoshi就, are some of the prominent people on the spectrum who now live successful lives 和 have made substantial contributions to shaping popular culture. Even though we have made a vast amount of progress in detection 和 diagnosis, 种族差异依然存在. 黑色的, Latinx 和 members of other racially minoritized communities continue to experience bias in diagnosis 和 treatment for spectrum disorders.

Living 和 Learning on the Spectrum: A Conversation on the Evolution of Autism 和 Neurodiverse Advocacy

Join us for a 遗产月 initiative in partnership with C+V

Being on the Autism spectrum has meant different things for those who live 和 thrive with this identity. The language 和 worldviews surrounding those who are Neurodiverse has evolved from one of marginalization, 要宽容, 去接受. But can we take the next vital steps to move from acceptance to celebration? 在这个对话中, we begin with underst和ing 和 move to our personal 和 institutional responsibility toward creating an inclusive living 和 learning environment at the 新MG线上电子游戏 和 beyond.

2021年4月29日星期四| 11:00am-12:00pm



The MG线上电子游戏 is committed to living our values of diversity 和 inclusion. Our community 和 institutional success is dependent on how well we engage 和 embrace the rich diversity of our faculty, 工作人员, 管理员, 学生及校友.

带着共同的价值观 和 in partnership with Human 资源 & 包容性社区(中国人权), 多样性办公室, 股本, 与包容(ODEI), 文化中心, 和有色人种协会(SOCA), we will celebrate the identities 和 histories of members of the DU 和 world communities. 每个月我们都会 feature a 工作人员 or faculty member 和 a student in recognition of each heritage month, along with an event to honor one another 和 learn about our unique differences.


Propose a Program or Highlight a DU Community Member for 遗产月

The 新MG线上电子游戏 is committed to living our values of diversity 和 inclusion. We recognize that our community 和 institutional success is dependent on how well we engage 和 embrace the rich diversity of our faculty, 工作人员, 管理员, 学生, 和校友. 带着共同的价值观, 整个学年, we plan to publish a series of articles to celebrate cultural 和 ethnic heritage months. 与人力资源部合作 & 包容性社区(中国人权), 多样性办公室, 股本, 与包容(ODEI), 文化中心, 社区+价值观(C+V), 和有色人种协会(SOCA), we will feature a 工作人员 or faculty member 和 a student in recognition of each heritage month, along with an event to honor one another 和 learn about our unique differences.

也, if you are aware of any events that are happening on campus or have an idea for Heritage Month events, we'd love to hear about them 和 promote them campus-wide.
